when nobody's watching
out of character
out of character

I hope you don't mind me jumping in all of a sudden! o:
Hehe. <3

in character
in character

Faolin had followed her daughter wherever she went. Especially if she left the lands of Inferni. It was just a gut reaction to everything that had gone on. The woman had lost so much sleep since she had been back, she had lowered herself to just taking naps and even then she was just an inch from the waking world. A whisper through the trees, a cricket's chirp, anything would bring her right back and on edge, just in case he had come back. Her fear was just as real as Talitha's, but her fear was fear for someone else, her daughter, nothing to do with herself. Her daughter seemed to stop and sit on the beach. Faolin watched through blood red eyes from a distance and decided to lay down herself. She wondered if Talitha would mind her following her. It would only be for a few weeks, or however long it would take to feel calm again. Possibly never, but she could not stalk her daughter to the end of the earth, no matter how much she wanted to. Talitha needed to be out on her own, be her own person. There were dangers out there for anybody, just one of them had happened upon her daughter. What were the chances it would happen again?

Her eyes closed and she breathed in the scents that surrounded her. Both of her ears were pointing in the direction of Talitha, she was a few yards away from her daughter, far enough behind that she would not notice the rusty colored female. At least she hoped. The sound of approaching footsteps startled her and she leaped right up and peered down the beach. It was a male, awfully familiar at that. Her eyes widened, another coyote, a threat perhaps? No, there was something about him.. No.. it could not have been. Segodi? Her eyes looked the male up and down, and it was his golden eyes that gave him away. She took a step breath and took a sharp breath in. It had been a long time since she had thought about any of her family really besides the ones that were still here, in Inferni. She just never expected anyone to come back to here really. There was not much left for them. But, Jesile. Here he was, back again, and bigger than the last time she had saw the sandy boy.

Faolin hesitated for a moment to run and fling herself towards him. She froze in mid-movement, it would give her away to Talitha. Hopefully she would not be mad, but this was a chance she could not pass up. How long had he been here for anyway? Her tail wagged happily back and forth and she instantly shot forward just in time to hear him speak his name. As if there was any doubt in her mind to begin with, it was only confirmed one-hundred and fifty percent now. It was him and he seemed to remember her daughter. Full of smiles she covered the short distance quickly and collided with the male, attempting to roll him over and cover him in kisses and hugs and just anything she could muster up. It was the most playful she had felt.. well, since, a long time. Way before the war, back when her two pups were only still small. Her heart burst with excitement, tail beating quickly behind her.


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