I have been a world apart

oh Anu is so dramatic! end here?

Maybe she was just something different, but in a way different would be good for her. Anu had been at this place before, loving another female and dealing with all the insecurities and controversies that may arise. It was obvious that Iskata felt the weight of all her children’s pain, and Anu figured that it was this fact that made Iskata so uncertain.

Anu tried to find the love and sincerity in her voice, and what she found may have been a figment of her imagination, but she refused to believe that Iskata was certain that their relationship would end in heartache and took her words for what they were, even if there was no meaning behind them. Smiling, she nodded her head. Sad to leave her Matriarch feeling as if she had disappointed her, but she could think of nothing else to say.

“Thank you Iskata.” She meant it, but her heart was down in her gut. Rising from the comfort of the den she gave her a small nod. “I hope to see you again.” She was sure that they would meet, but Anu was eager to leave before she lost control of her emotions. There were time when without the support of others she was merely floating, and what she truly needed was to be comforted.

Exiting the cabin she embraced the rain, letting it soak her fur. In a moment she was drenched, unable to determine if she was actually crying or if it was just the weather.


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