Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Aquilina heard foot steps, then she heard someone lay down beside her. She rolled back over onto her stomach, just then she smelt the scent of someone she had been longing to see forever. Aqui smirked, "Well well well, a face that I haven't seen, it almost feels like ages. Samson Adonis." She stared at him for a long hard minute, wow, he didn't change at all really. Honestly, the last time she seen him, was... almost when she was a puppy. She remembered her mother introducing Samson to her for the first time, because one of Aqui's aunts were good friends with his mother. How long ago that had been.

Quickly, throwing her thoughts out the window she looked at him, obviously he didn't recognize her. "You probably don't quite remember do you..." she paused before he didn't answer and she continued, "Aquilina Despoena." she made a 'tisk-tisk' noise. "Wow, you have a terrible memory my friend." she giggled and got up to stretch. "So, what are you doing around here?"

Aquilina realized that he may have been younger than her, but when they grew up together, he sure didn't act like it. She remembered their little childish romance they once had. She loved going to the meadow with him, even at night to star gaze. But she hadn't seen him since a few months ago, a few months before everything started to tumble down. She wondered if he realized that she was crazy.

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