Somewhere Over The Rainbow
the hybrid watched her write, her deft fingers holding the charcoal as she manipulated it to make words. it was utterly fascinating to him. oh yes, he’d have to sketch her, sometime. samson smiled at the thought and took the paper, looking at it sideways and admiring her handwriting. it was a lot to respond to, so he took his time to read it through before beginning. ’i’m good.’ the male started, and paused before continuing. ’luck, i guess. i just sort of.. ran. i don’t know how my mother is… i haven’t seen her in a long time.’ he looked down, and resisted a giggle. ’i didn’t want to go. but you know how my mother was.. my parents.. they were so secretive. sometimes, even i forget their names.’ half-hearted attempt at humor. he chuckled, quietly.

maybe we could have been something if you did. sam looked up, and smiled. it was a sweet sentiment, but sam doubted it. they had just been little kids, who didn’t understand the world at the time. and now obviously, she was damaged and he was damaged… how could anything ever work out of that? the most they could strive for was friendship. sam was a commitaphobe, when it came down to it. he was scared of the idea of being with someone. with time there might be a chance, but now…? no.


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