Somewhere Over The Rainbow

the red coyote balanced his weight on his hands, fanned out on either side of him. a ticklish sensation brushed against his face—powdery white… samson licked his lips and looked up. it seemed too warm for snow, and even the flakes dissolved almost as quickly as they hit the ground. he sighed, contently, letting his eyelids droop while he waited for the paper. when it was handed to him, the hybrid looked down, and read ‘i left…’ before it was taken away from him again. he frowned.

when he got it back, he read it carefully. ’crazy?’ sam queried, raising his eyebrows at her. he finished the writing, and looking up with his ears back, said quietly ’it’s actually not a long story.’ he half-smiled. ’me and alexandria- you remember, my sister- were out hunting, and happened to wander into bear territory. a big nasty one blindsided us. alex got away in time but i, ah, decided to excersize some heroism. that bear tossed me so fast i didn’t have a chance… i guess it popped my eardrums.

‘i think i still have a little hearing left in my left ear. and who knows, it might even be fixable in time… i don’t think so, though.’ he finished with a grim smile. the male suddenly remembered the early part of the note. ’crazy? why do they think you’re crazy?’ without paying attention, the were reached out and gave her a questioning—or reassuring, maybe—pat on the knee, ears up and at attention.


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