Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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Tada! I love my new table. : D <3 _Pilot did it. ^_^

Aquilina looked at him and shook her head in an obvious 'nevermind.' it was too complicated to tell on paper. She would wait till he could at least read lips or the day that may never come. Even though they were pups then, does that mean she couldn't love him now? Maybe she could like him even more for who he was now instead of as an innocent little pup.

Sighing because of her mixed debates and feelings, she grabbed the paper and charcoal to add in, That's a story that I'll have to tell you another time. she also put a grin on her face as she handed back his belongings to him. As she looked around unsure of what to do now, even though they still had so much to catch up on, she had to admit to herself that she was too lazy to write out everything.

Without even thinking she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him and kissed the side of his face, she then grabbed the paper to write, putting the dirty black writing tool in her hand she wrote, You are probably getting bored with catching up on old times, but that's okay.. I'll go. as she handed the sheet back to him, she waited a second, wanting to see what his reply was.


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