Ce matin j'imagine un dessin sans nuage.

East, over the mountains, across the water? The... ocean? Barthélémy knew what the word meant, what it implied, but had never thought there might be something on the other side of all that. All that vastness, open distance. It was eternity, and yet, it ended? For his entire life, he had known only of Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and the Labradour Strait. He knew there had been something farther north, a land of ice and snow, and somewhere to the northeast was more land that contained more ice, and more snow. But he had thought that was it, aside from the land he was on now. In fact, his understanding of geography was quite limited, and he still did not know how this land worked. Someone had shown him a map once, but those memories were some he had lost. The memories from when he had been on the boat were foggy and distant, and he was certain that he had once known more about the land that lay beyond the water.

This place must have been real, for he had fragments of supporting evidence, but no real clues. If the male was from such a place, surely it existed...? "Enchanté, Ahren," He dipped his head in a quick nod, hoping he wasn't being too impolite. "Pantoute, je parle seulement le Français," He replied with a quick laugh. He only knew a few words in English, and those were quite limited. Although he would like to learn more, as it seemed to be the dominant language in these parts, he doubted anyone would have the patience or the time to teach him.


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