light a candle -aw-

Did he truly need to torment her with the threat of the blade? She watched it as he opened and closed it. She didn’t even think she would get used to, or understand why wolves needed to carry around such tools. Settling herself again the cold wall, she stood at an angle. If the blade slipped, she wouldn’t be in its path

His words were chilling, the truth, but still slightly disturbing. The storm reminded her why she was still there, suddenly at the point where she would happily leave him to his sullen mood. But the thought of the rain, the thunder and lightening kept her in her place.

It was probably the storm that made him so upset, the dull evening and the furious night could make any beast depressed. It was her nature to want to understand why he was so apparently upset. He watched him, convincing herself that he wasn’t out to be one of those unseen dangers lurking in the shadows.

“Its hard to believe that your, ‘nobody’. You look like somebody to me.” Her words were matter of fact, but she didn’t meet his smile, understanding that it was phony. Her face was calm and smooth, even it she didn’t smile it was obvious that she was being honestly pleasant.


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