searching for a pilot
She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes as Pilot spoke, the words were suppose to be comforting but in her heart they were even more painful than the fact that he wasn't coming home when he'd been granted the chance to. Casting tears to the side she laughed bitterly, her words sad as she gazed out towards the mountainside. "If he has a home anymore.." She wondered if the male she'd fallen into such a shaky relationship with would pass her by for some exotic beauty and cease to remember she even existed. She knew it was highly unlikely.. but he was finally getting to play the hero.. who knew what life as the adventurer would do to the man she once knew.

Tear spiked eyelashes brushed against her cheeks as she closed her eyes and sighed. Turning those sun shot orbs towards Pilot she asked softly. "What are you going to do?" She knew that his pack had disappeared into the darkness after their old friend had passed on.. but she hadn't stopped to think of the life the others would turn towards. She could see Pilot as a loner.. but it was a dim shot at the back of her mind, he just didn't seem the type to be so distant from friends and family.

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