Seek Seek, Find Find
He wanted to curl up and die, or maybe sleep. Agani wasn't quite sure which, he just knew that he didn't want to be thinking of this anymore. Another thing he missed about sounds; they could soothe you, take you away from everything that you thought of. Instead he was trapped in silence, with only the faintest of voices for company. The faintest of the faint, and he was not sure how she got through to him, or even who she was.

The ground moved. It shifted, the same way the tree had, but it had a different message. Agani's ears turned before he lifted his head to look up, over his shoulder, at the silverbacked Luperci that had taken up residence just barely further up the slope of the land, a horse quietly nibbling at him from over his shoulder. It was a bizarre image, and the still-childish part of his mind thought that the horse might literally be trying to eat this were, even though more rational parts of him knew it wasn't so.

His lips were moving, but slowly, as if he was used to being careful with his words, to thought over speech. It was a great help to Agani's eyes as he read them, and took a moment to think them over. Everyone seemed to want to help him. Was he especially hopeless looking? Was he simply so charismatic that the world felt the need to aide him? Since that first horrid mishap, that first misstep of life, he had come across nothing but good things.

Well, almost nothing. There were flashes in the wood that tried to speak to him, but he ignored them.

"Help would be good. I'm j-j-just looking for my mum, Tayui," he said. "I misplaced her... A long time ago."

He can help you more than you know, young one. He can understand.

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