.wake up slow
"I am called Cicatrice," There was a subtle distinction between "I am called" and "My name is." In reality, Cicatrice no longer remembered the end to the statement "My name is." That had been lost when her identity had been stripped from her by the coyotes. She remembered that day, her twin brother, they hadn't been identical, but they'd had striking coats, the blood of their murdered littermates, and then the coyotes. They'd taken her away from everything, her parents, her brother, even her own identity, and had made her someone she wasn't sure she liked.

She nodded at Khaden's question, "I don't mind if we keep company. I'm trying to learn more of the area. A hybrid I met some days ago, Corona, told me a little of the area, but the best way to learn of something is with paws on experience." The mention of the hybrid held little of the distaste she'd had upon mentioning the coyotes. Corona wasn't grouped in the typical "coyote/hybrid" slot in her mind. She was.. something else, a group which consisted of civil coyotes and hybrids, and thus far had one member.

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