Don't bother pretending.
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“A tree,” she said suddenly, the memory coming back to her in a flash, a streak of lightning. It felt as though she had suddenly been struck with pure knowledge, a sacred memory she could share with only one other. There had been a tree-- or two, perhaps, no, many. She and Anu had been sitting in a tree, talking. She didn't know why they had been in the three, but that one insignificant fact brought many more memories back. The hunt with Spade, and how Anu had been there. How Anu had been one of the few to actually believe in Spade when all the other wolves were so hesitant to trust an outsider. Tayui had been hesitant, too, unsure what it meant. She had been unable to overcome the feeling of loss-- that Mordulin had not been there. And then there had been Spade. He had been there, but... loathe as she was to admit it, no one had wanted him. At first, it had been like that, but slowly they had come to accept his presence. And Anu had been one of them who had. “There was a day when we were speaking. We were in a tree. It was windy. You'd returned after leaving Jaded Shadows. But you left again after that,” she said. “When you came back, Spade was there,” she added quietly, almost to herself.

It was strange that she was now able to suddenly remember, but-- how strange was it? She knew who Anu was-- she had just been unable to place her. Now that Anu had reminded her, of how Mordulin had broken her leg, she could remember, she could place the female in her memories. She had a place for her, now. It was a relief to know this, for Tayui had been rather annoyed with herself, unable to figure out who Anu was when she knew exactly who she was.

“I've wished that, too, but not anymore. I used to just... wish. And think. Daydream. I didn't do anything. It's not good to dwell on your memories so much. You need to create new ones, with new and old friends. Like this, now. Even though we're reminiscing, we're creating new memories together.” She smiled; together. The semblance of comradeship was warming; soothing. She liked it.


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