Don't bother pretending.

The pack was important, especially to a wolf like Anu or Tayui. They both understood the joys that being part of a group brought, and Anu truely felt like they held it to the same regard. It wasn’t just about survival, it was about family and living with those that shared a common respect for the hierarchy as well as thriving on companionship.

It was sad to think that she did not have a home. A wolf with the talents and warm personality Tayui possessed did not deserve to be without the support of a pack. The concern was written on her features, and questions sprung into her head. Pilot had been of this Shadowed Suns, but Tayui had broken away from their partnership, and thus straying from Crimson Dreams.

“I am sad to hear of you pack disbanding.” She let the feelings flout from her mouth. It felt only right to let Tayui know her concern. “Pilot came to the former members of Twilight Vale, and we’ve all made a new pack. Crimson Dreams. I moved there from Phoenix Valley.” She paused, taking a breath before realizing that there may need to be a bit more explanations needed.

”It was explained that he was from Shadowed Sun. He and another, a female came from there.” Her voice was soft but full of seriousness. “There is plenty of room for you, if a new pack is what your looking for right now.” It was the truth, she yearned for Tayui to join them but only if the cream colored fey wanted it. There was a good chance that she had her own plans, but there was no reason for Anu to not extend the invitation.


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