he'll never say you're beautiful
http://i36.tinypic.com/23tqi2r.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 448px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #20466A;">
      How's this? :3

Watch the skyscrapers as they melt away
      Her sister was quiet, and Tayui spent much of the silence watching her. Tayui examined how her sister moved, how she spoke, and how she carried herself. Her sister might have once passed for nobility, but Tayui wondered if this was still the case. They still bickered as they had when they were younger, but Tayui was far more forthright now, and less inclined to be bullied into submission. She had seen enough and become enough to know that it was not right, that it was not something she had to obey. In the past, she had not known better, and had been blinded by youthful naïveté. But there was no need for it now; she had changed.

      Tayui smiled when her sister spoke, uncharacteristically amused for such a statement. "I'm glad; that is an entirely other kind of resentment, one leaning so far into abstractionism it might be swallowed up by its own devices." She paused for a moment, frowning slightly as she abandoned her manners to lose herself in her own thoughts for a moment. "Is that what you want?" Is that how you desire to spend the rest of your life?


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