don't ask why, don't cry, don't make a scene

Even now, after so many months, Laruku wanted nothing more than to go home. Nevermind the rest of whoever had been there, nevermind the ashes that were probably still there and the broken trees, burnt out bushes. Nevermind that the lake would be filled with dirt and debris and nevermind that the fog would have drifted away with no branches to hold it in place. Nevermind that nothing would be as he remembered it. He didn't dwell much anymore on the fact that he should have died there, but he still felt strongly that that was the only place he'd ever belonged. A curse and an invisible ball and chain for a madman, a lunatic asylum without a make-believe fence that only they could see. The tawny coyotewolf leaned forward against his knees.

Anywhere but here, he said, staring straight on ahead. Where no one else is.

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