I try to digest my pride

The lake was going to freeze? That boggled her mind even more so than it already was. She's seen snow, sure, but it was never on the ground for too long. So her eyes had never seen a frozen body of water. "You can slide around on it? Well, that sounds like it could be fun I guess. That's really weird that it freezes. It never got cold enough for any rivers or lakes to do that in Italy." In the light of this information about winters in her new home, her thankfulness for the manor expanded tenfold. Being inside the large house would be much warmer than a small dug den outside. Or at least she figured as much. "Well, my coat will turn into an advantage then! In the summer it can be a bit of a burden when it becomes so hot. It will definitely be helpful in the winter though." She chuckled lightly and they continued to trot along.

It seemed their life experiences had been rather different because of their locations. Savina did however find it interesting how similar the two of them were even though they'd had much different lives so far. The wolfess still thought it must be fate that brought her here. She couldn't imagine not being around Naniko, having her as a friend. They were like two peas in a pod most of the time, and she really liked that. "Maybe. That would be fun. Take a nice adventure before we're too old to." The thought of taking her best friend back to her homeland made a large smile flower across her face. Her gaze turned towards the ivory leader, jade orbs sparkling.

"I can't wait to see the pups develop their separate personalities. I bet you can't either, momma." She winked at her friend with that last word.


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