me and my friends understand the future.

This is set after a series of threads where Anselm wonders off all confused "without a purpose."

(!@#$%)Anselm's head was spinning as he half-stumbled across the border into Inferni. He'd only been gone for three days, but it felt like weeks. Time didn't make a whole lot of sense right then and he worked himself up into a fit thinking he'd been gone too long. He felt like a teenager that'd snuck out for the night to get drunk. Now he was coming back in through his parents' door, praying that they weren't waiting up for him. Where did you go? Why did you leave? Did you know we were looking for you? This kind of intense paranoia made his mind's usual antics seem trivial.

(!@#$%)Oh god. Oh god, he'd been tricked. What the hell had Boomer given him? He could remember his encounter with the strange dingo clearly; he could remember them talking. He could remember feeling better. He could remember shoving some foul tasting green shit down his throat aeons ago--Boomer had told him that it would "help him find himself." Perhaps the Australian hadn't known that Anselm was already familiar with various psychedelics. Then again, Anselm was mostly familiar with specific kinds that kicked in within half an hour or so. This was a whole new ball game.
(!@#$%)He'd practically forgotten he'd taken it. He'd wondered around for the better part of the day waiting for the effects to kick in--he planned on going back to Inferni after he'd recovered from the trip. When it never came, he'd given up and headed home. By dumb luck, the mescaline from the peyote had kicked in right as he neared his home. The forest came to life as the trees breathed in time with his steps; moss and lichens swirled around into themselves and popped out into a whole new dimension. And then he'd stumbled across the border.
(!@#$%)Fortunately, he didn't appear too different on the outside. Unfortunately, his mind had become some sort of prison. Inside he screamed and rattled the bars of his cage, but outwardly he was paralysed--he simply stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face as he prayed nobody would find him.

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