me and my friends understand the future.

LOL Way to lay this on him while he's tripping, poor Anselm. -Finds this hysterical.- XDDD

(!@#$%)How long had he been standing there? Five seconds? Five minutes? Five hours? His head whipped around quickly as he realised the dull tha-dum shh-ch he heard was the hybridisation of his own heartbeat and the footfalls of another. Moving his head so quickly caused everything to spin, though, and he squinted as Ryan strolled into view. Well, at least it wasn't someone like Hybrid or Samael--they'd be all over his ass the instant they sensed something was wrong, he was guessing. And while Gabriel might have been a comforting presence (for he symbolised stability and control to Anselm, which would be quite valuable with reality so turned on its head), the hybrid wasn't sure what the Aquila would make of his drugged up antics.

(!@#$%)For now, he did his best to remain normal. He dipped his head lightly to the girl before either of them spoke, although the gesture felt somewhat delayed in his mind. Did he really take too long to respond, unnaturally long, or did time just seem to be running slowly? Looking for a reference point, he found himself scanning the forest for anything that might reveal some clues. He could observe an event or sequence of events and compare how long they took now to how long they would've taken according to memory. It seemed like a sound idea, but before he could do anything Ryan had greeted him rather strangely.
(!@#$%)Perhaps under normal circumstances he would've figured it out... he would've pieced it all together. Her eyes, the striking familiarity despite the fact they'd met very recently... something, anything. Instead, he was rather distracted by the way her face melted into the surrounding scenery. The branches of trees spiralled outward and mingled with the fur on her cheeks, and it looked rather fascinating. It was beautiful, in a way--but at the moment, it seemed more troubling than anything. All he could give her was a confused Huh?? in response. He'd need to be spoon fed everything if she wanted to discuss this now. Fortunately, at least so far, he hadn't acted remarkably out of character.

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