me and my friends understand the future.

desperadoAnselm could become a rather resentful fellow when he was made to care about something he would otherwise ignore. In this respect, it was probably for the best that she wasn't angry with him--it would get them nowhere. Ultimately, there was nothing that could be done to change the past. Even with his clouded thinking and muddled senses, he had to admit he respected her for being realistic about the whole thing. She was approaching the whole thing very rationally and in a progressive manner... which ushered them onward to the next issue: what to do next.
desperadoThere were a few things that were simply automatic. Essentially, if anybody ever gave her any trouble at all, he'd be taking a personal interest in the matter. It was new to him, to suddenly care so strongly about another creature's well being. The realisation pulsed through his body and nearly made him shudder. Obviously he cared about Gabriel, too, but he trusted that Gabriel could tackle his own problems. It wasn't that he doubted Ryan's capability, though, which compounded the weirdness of it all. It was inexplicable and he didn't care for that. Perhaps he'd be able to sort through it better when his usual systematic thoughts were not overpowered by the chaos of a mind altering drug?
desperadoSuddenly something else hit him. For the past while, he'd been utterly perplexed by his lack of "direction" in Inferni. With the war settled and things more or less at an equilibrium point, things had grown stagnant. Perhaps this was a way out of that. This certainly would shake things up, and a daughter would be a "purpose" that would never go away. Part of that permanence and concept of commitment terrified him, but this rush was what he would always secretly desire and crave. Without it, everything was nothing. Moving forward awkwardly, he nudged her gently with his nose. I'm glad you're here, he muttered simply, leaning against her heavily as he practically melted into her side. For whatever it was worth, he meant it. At nearly three years old, family was really all he had.

[i swear to god, doing so much calculus has made the writing part of my brain break.]

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