i can be what you need
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His nose twitched in agitation. Someone was here. Someone had followed him. Yet, he felt as if he were getting too full of himself; too paranoid. He wasn’t that important, and no one was after him as far as he was concerned. The tall male stood still for a long moment, ears pricked to the soft, airy steps beyond the door he stood behind; he suddenly felt trapped in this large, yet still four-walled room wit the smelly décor and rotting furniture. He suddenly regretted walking this far into the building, and listened on baited breath as the steps paused, then moved on. He thanked himself for closing the door when having entered the room.

He stood stock-still for quite some time, before the footsteps had paused once more, and then became slightly faded. Out of curiosity for what the other was doing, Antigrin slowly opened his door, blessing the hinges that they did not creak, and stepped out onto the hallway. He followed the scent, creeping with all the grace and skill of a well-learned hunter, and found the open door to which the other had ventured into.

Anti gently gripped the doorframe, and tilted his muzzle inside so he could see. A young, shifted female stood there; her hair long, and her dress… dress? Anti blinked his mahogany eyes slowly, staring at her in slight disbelief. Sure, he wore a bandana around his neck, but that was all; and some other werewolves had looked at him like he was crazy. He’d never seen a werewolf care enough to fully clothe him or herself, but he’d have to admit that it looked fairly nice. He was staring at her from the side of the door, but couldn’t have realized it with all the silent thinking he was doing.

table by akumu

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