Sailing the breeze

It was easy to understand why pity and concern were unwanted most of the time. People liked to deny that anything had ever been wrong to begin with; they liked to think that they were fine, that they were taking care of themselves, and that they didn't need any help. But long lives were like long stories; tragedies were inevitable for anything that lasted longer than a few chapters, a few months. Eventually, something bad would happen, and they would never forget. That was life. And that was why scars criss-crossed his forearms though most were faded and worn now, half-hidden in rust-colored fur, but never invisible, never gone. Laruku ceded his own almost-a-smile. I'm not good at telling stories either, he said, and even the explanation of why was a long story in itself. He'd lived too long. He'd been there too long.

I don't know, was his truthful answer. A month maybe. Month and a half. I was sick, so close to dying. A friend, a lover, brought me here. And I don't really have anywhere else to be. His first lie of the evening, though that was subjective. He had a place to be -- a graveyard surrounded by a different fog in a different forest. A cabin further east where no one would disturb him (and where he would disturb no one else). He had a lot of places to be: any place that wasn't there, he could be.

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