Any other world
MDP references 'cause I am too cool for school.[html]

"Of course. I’ll have to practice and remind myself how to play. It feels like forever ago." He reached out a hand, letting his fingers slide across the smooth wood surface of the instrument. He smiled up at Urma once more, wondering how he had been so lucky to find someone as kind as her, before he added another, "Thank you." He shut the case then, not wanting the gift to steal any spotlight, and watched as Urma scooted a bit closer. That was something he didn’t mind one bit.

Deep in his heart he could hear himself protesting – What about Dierdre! Remember Dierdre! He blocked it out though. He would need to lock those memories up and throw away the key. It was old news. Pilot needed to start living for here and now. He decided to do just that then, and forget about the past. He had barely even noticed that her paw had found it’s way to his. He looked up to find her soft amber eyes, and he nodded. Is it too soon to say perfect? "Let’s stay up all night with the stars."


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