I get by with a little help from my friends

He dared to return to his roots, staring up at the thick trunk of a nearby tree, spreading out and upwards into a canopy of golden yellow and rusted orange. Slowly, he began his climb up into the tangles of branches, finding this much easier to do now in his Optime form. When he had been younger, finding the youth had been a shock and a good laugh considering Pilot had no luperci blood whatsoever. It was how he had grown up though, so he had known nothing different. With hands outstretched to grasp the rough branches, things were going a lot smoother.

He threw his legs over a thick branch, leaning forward and almost laying on his stomach as he let his arms dangle on opposite sides. The smell of autumn was here, and he closed his eyes and let himself be absorbed into the gorgeous weather. When the B. General finally opened his eyes, his silver gaze found Savina. She looked to be enjoying herself almost as much as he was, and he couldn’t help but smile. "Comfortable?" He called out, hoping to elude her for a moment. Not many were quick to look up into the heights of a tree for their friends.


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