you don't recover from a night like this
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I'd say... done? :3


She was a curious type, he observed; the type that had maintained that sort of innocence possessed during childhood, but had grown and matured in it. Ryan seemed the respectable kind nonetheless--not quite someone he'd open up to, no, but it was rather hard to find that someone anyway. She lived with her dad. Funny, how relations worked out. He wondered if he'd ever meet his own father at all. Inferni, though... He'd heard some stories, but her presence and kindhearted attitude seemed to deny them. He was okay with that. "Not on Inferni lands," he chuckled. Jefferson hadn't the slightest clue where they were, and it was rather obvious he had no plans of trespassing onto coyote lands. No, he'd had enough of blood conflicts for a lifetime when he'd run into the coyote-hating Deuce the first time around. The last thing he needed was an entire pack hating him for the opposite, although he'd heard that some half-breeds had made their home there. "Stop by Phoenix Valley whenever you find it," he smiled, nodding as she began to turn away. He had duties to attend to himself... although mindless conversation ran slim nowadays, and he almost regretted their departure. "Watch out for the Shaman when you do. She's not too fond of our coy blood." A snicker before he stepped out the gates and started away, waving his good hand over his shoulder. "'Til next time."

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