took a train to new york city
mall-caps;color:#880000;">do you believe in god written on the bullet

        Eyes adjusting to the darkness, he blinked vaguely, stepping toward the counter of the store. Dust choked the air, laying thick like a blanket across every surface. This had once been a modest business, selling and trading things people no longer wanted, or occasionally treasured possessions for cash in desperate times. A glimmer in the pale light caught his attention and the pirate's eye trained on a jewelry case. Placing the vase he'd been examining back down in the circle void of dust on the table, he moved toward the treasure. Smashing the lid with a silver candlestick, he shuffled through the shiny objects, searching for pretty things that attracted his notice. Various piercings and rings already adorned the young werewolf, but he was always in search of more. Like a magpie searching for it's next prize, he tossed earrings and necklaces aside, finally finding a silver ring with an emerald gem embedded in a nest of celtic knots. Trying it on his finger, he admired the effect, satisfied with his find.
        The tinkle of a bell and the opening of a door turned Luka's head around, noticing the silhouette that had filled the doorway. A young coyote, though older than himself, clad in a tan cloak and scarf and harboring a peculiar odor of mint that masked his own natural scent. "Strange," he said lightly, tapping his lip with a claw, as though deep in thought. "This creature masks his true scent, as thought not vishing to be recognized, yet valks around with his face bare." Luka grinned then, showing some amusement to the stranger, for honestly, the boy could care less about the being's identity or motives. It was none of his business who he was, or pretended to be. But he couldn't help commenting on his observations. And he could bet this coyote had an interesting story.

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