took a train to new york city
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sharksInteresting, Arkham mused, moving up next to the stranger so that he could also look into the smashed display case. My parents were the opposite, I suppose, though he wondered now if his mother might have been better suited for the traveling life. She had always seemed rather aloof, despite her perceived responsibilities -- clearly she didn't take them as seriously as anyone might have expected her to. His father had roots to land though; if he didn't know anything else about him, he could have gathered that for himself. The grey coyote wasn't so sure of his own ways; he still felt a bit loose and disconnected without a home, but he knew he didn't want to go back to Inferni anymore.

sharksNo, thanks, he said of the ring, turning to grin a little at the other, It looks better on you. There were many other jewels in the case, anyway. Aside from rings, there were also strangely intricate bracelets, ornate earrings, and other items of jewelry that he'd never seen before. Arkham hadn't had much time to be a cityboy when he was younger. Everything seemed to have gone by so fast. He looked to the other side of the case where a crumbling bookshelf was shoved against a similarly crumbling wall. He had always preferred those sorts of treasures, it seemed. What is it like, not having a home? Really, he could have asked himself that question.


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