took a train to new york city
mall-caps;color:#ca7c37;">swallow the sun, erase the sky.

        But even if he longed for a place to rest his feet and always return to, no matter what, Luka would never of given up his life for anything. Traveling with the gypsies and his family had been his earliest memories and he held them close as any child would. It was a part of his nature now, to long to always be on the move. Staying in a single place too long made him nervous and anxious, and he had to set out again, leaving behind anything familiar for the thrill of something new each day. He had promised in a year's time to met the rest of his family again at the edge of a known river in Europe, and Luka knew if they missed each other they'd never meet again. The world was too large for a single wolf to find another--especially when they were all wanderers, never settling for long in a single place. He had realized long ago it wasn't the place that made somewhere home, but those who resided there. But he couldn't help but long for some anchor in their lives--somewhere and somehow knowing no matter what happened, there was a chance they'd see each other again before the afterlife.
        "Eet eez," the Russian boy concurred, watching as he flipped through a faded, aged book from the shelf. "But eet isn't zhe rocks and trees zhat really make a place home, eet'z the memories," he said with a small shrug, also moving over toward the books to drag a claw lightly across the bindings, searching for an interesting title. "For now I am in zhe city," Luka replied, glancing toward the coyote male. "Anyvhere I please, but my father eez here as vell. So I try not to vander too far, eef I can." He smiled lightly, picking up a thick, green-bound book and thumbing through the faded words.

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