Don't wanna be your weekend lover
Awwww. Awkward Haku. ^^

Do you like me, Deuce? I mean, we both know that we cannot be together. It’s.. I don’t know, whenever I am with you, my problems seem to fade away. A soft smile curved her lips as she turned her bi-colored gaze to the chocolate male. The way he seemed to stumble touched her, and she laid a hand on his cheek, gazing at him with soft eyes. "I like you very much, Haku. You are the one thing I've held that hasn't turned to ashes for me. That means far more than you can begin to guess."
Her gaze didn't waver as she watched him. They were equal to equal here, and outside in the real world. "You are always free to visit me as I hope I am free to visit you." She wasn't unaware of the strange things between Haku and her co-leader's daughter, and so she gently added, "Discreetly, of course," in a soft, reassuring murmur. Her hand storoked his cheek before slipping down to his shoulder, just holding him. His presence in her room seemed a dream, though she knew it wasn't. She would never give up the love she felt for him, no matter the cost to herself; neither would she force it on him. She would simply let it be, content that it was returned in his own fashion.


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