We could throw our loyalties to the sea.

Although Haku’s explanation was preluded by a soft chastising of her own failure to call him,s he let it go. There would be no point in trying to get him to be completely submissive or apologetic, it wasn’t in his nature and she did not have the energy to try to mold him at this moment. Cercelee shrugged at Haku’s question. The meeting with Gabriel hadn’t been extremely productive or successful, but it had given Cercelee a piece of mind. “Not too much. I asked him to formally speak with me before anymore wars are declared, he didn’t seem to keen on the idea, but he didn’t outright refuse, so we shall see. Hopefully the situation won’t arise though.” The icy navy eyes looked at Haku, she did not feel ashamed for what she had said about him to Gabriel and though she had intended to keep her words from him, she decided that it would be best for him to know. It was time she stop dancing around him. “I also let him know that if you decide to start anymore crusades of your own, I won’t allow Dahlia to back you up. However that too we are going to avoid, yes?” Cercelee did not speak hostility or harshly, but just a matter of fact manner. Cercelee could forget any misgivings she had about Haku, depending on how reasonable he proved to be during this meeting and for the rest of his leadership following it. Perhaps even, one day, they would truly work as a team, instead of two separate individuals with their own goals and agendas. “And what else? Is there anything I should know about the war before we put it behind us?” Cercelee had already considered the war to be behind her, but if Haku had anything to tell her, the time was now.


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