We could throw our loyalties to the sea.

Haku acknowledge and accepted his responsibilities seamlessly. Cercelee knew that the male meant what he said, at least now, and that he would try to uphold his word. So that was settled, but Cercelee was unhappy with the report on the coyote child, Gabriel hadn’t mention a word about his own daughter. Of course, the criminal had not been of Dahlia de Mai, though they were at fault for not protecting the girl better. Without breaking stride Cercelee moved into pack business, setting the standard for which all new policies and procedures would be created, conferencing with Haku. “We need to strengthen pack defenses somehow. I don’t like that the child was hurt on our lands, someone should have been watching her. However, we need to think of our own members as well. Are our members not scouting the borders like they should?” Cercelee tossed the question at Haku, he was after all the head scout, and in a sense in charge of defense. However, he did not have scouts under him. There were gaps in the framework of their pack Cer wish to remedy.

“Perhaps soon it the time for a pack meeting. Remind our members of their duties? Encourage those who don’t have coranks to earn one.” Tell them that strangers were to be questioned and escorted through the pack, unless one was of Dahlia de Mai Cercelee did not want them to have free reign of the lands. It seemed to be happening too commonly. “A male... DaVinci... has been hanging around our pack a lot lately.” He had seemed to know all their landmarks when Cercelee had appeared home, and though she did not think DaVinci dangerous she also did not think he had always been accompanied by a member during his exploration of their lands. “I know he is friends with Alexey, but I do not like it that so many feel free to frolic in our fields. We need to let our members know this as well...”


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