momma I'm so afraid
She listened to his words, nodding occasionally. And then he came to the improtant part. he- and the pups- needed a home. And she, as a leader, would accept them. it was as easy as that. not because they were family to the Sadira woman, not because they came asking, but because Da'Vinci was a friend, and needed help. And the pups needed help.

"You should know I would not be the one to deny a chld of my friend a home, nor his pups. Welcome to your new home, Da'Vinci, Tyrone and Skylar. I hope you enjoy your new life here. Da'Vinci, if you ever need help with the pups, you know where I live. You are more than welcome to bring them over."

She let out a breif howl to announce the arrival of more family to the matriarch. Then she smiled at the newest memebrs.

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