Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle of Rum


i heard they say the boy's missing

     The boy moved to run, to hide, to cower, but in the end, it was futile. He jumped back quite suddenly, and Hybrid missed, his claws swiping at air and wind. The hollow feeling of defeat was heavy in his hands as the male dove back, avoiding his attack. But the move proved two-sided; instead of simply avoiding Hybrid, the male ended up hitting the ground, hard. Hybrid heard the impact as the creature collided with the earth. Just as quickly, Hybrid descended upon the boy, lowering his centre of gravity and moving to follow him. Claws outstretched, he dove after the male, landing awkwardly, attempting to grab the other creature's fur and skin him alive.

     Fuck you came the witless retort, soon followed by a rather foul smell. "Fuck me? Oh, no, fuck you," Hybrid replied, leaning in close. His eyes danced cruelly, darkened with the desire to take what was not his.

Table by Mel!

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