You asked for it

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OoC: ^_^

"Then I suppose the moniker makes sense," he added with a sly grin, "if my humor truly slays you." Dumb joke, but wasn't everything he just said? He couldn't keep his sloppy grin from spreading ear to ear as he watched Mew struggle to catch her breath, shaky from her giggling fit. After a moment, she got there; her shining green eyes locked onto his pale blue, the shifted werewolf alongside the lupus. They were odd companions, but friends nonetheless.

"Indeed, t'would be a pity for the ages, if your luxurious fur were to be dampened. Perhaps rather than threatening you, I should be taking my leave..." Slay rose to his paws, letting his black-dipped tail wag in a friendly canine manner. He wasn't looking forward to being alone again, but he knew Mew had her own business to take care of, and his lighthearted company would only wear thin after a while. His hunger was sated, and his confused thoughts had subsided for the moment being. "Thanks for the lovely afternoon, m'dear. I hope we can exchange wits again soon!" The arctic wolf gave a polite bow, ever the gentleman, and let his wide paws carry him from the slippery wood of the dock to the cooling sands he had arrived from, leaving Mew with her thoughts.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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