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[html]All welcome. Set at Mount Alusia. Dated November 30 at about 8:00pm or so. bottom #000 no-repeat; color:#657d43; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; line-height:1.2em; padding:1em; padding-bottom:15em; width:380px; text-align:justify;">

Lately, he had taken to returning to the Land of Wuffluvers in the later hours of the night. The fact that the temperature dropped substantially by nightfall, and the fact that it was much colder on the lower ridges of the mountains than on the beach, did not seem to faze the child at all. Andre was quickly learning that temperature varied depending on many factors, and nearness to the ocean happened to be one of them. Still, he did not return yet; the fact that he was walking along the ridge, simply expanding his horizons and getting to know the places around him, was far more appealing than heading back to the hell hole that was the the Land of Wuffluvers He hardly ever even slept in it; he usually stayed out in the sands somewhere, often in the den they had abandoned. It was not with a desire to remember his mother, or even feel a connection to that part of his life at all.

It was simply abandoned, left behind by those that believed the house was better. Therefore, it could so easily be connected with abandonment and, for this reason, Andre liked the frigid reminder that things were left behind. It was the cold bitterness behind having left it there that he liked, the way it emanated the desolate feeling. Sometimes he stayed back at the house, but it was not often; he disliked his brother and sister so openly that it was just easier to stay away from them. In any case, he harboured no desire to return to the Land of Wuffluvers until later.

So, with the grace of a madman behind his every step, the young dog continued to walk, utterly emotionless but for the ripple of his hackles rising and falling in the wind, a serene dance to display the danger in him.


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