lesson number one

so sorry, this week has sucked, and I hate working the weekend…

There had been many pups in her life, but never even one that she called her own. None that had been the children of someone she loved so completely that she felt the maternal pull that made her forget that they weren’t her own flesh and blood. The instant that Nani had allowed her into their lives and the moment she felt like the love she had bottled within was real and mutual, she let it drain from every pore. She had become the mother wolf that she never knew was inside her, it was a feeling she relished and couldn’t find the words to express the gratitude she felt.

The cave wasn’t the mansion, and at first Anu had worried Nani wouldn’t like it was much as the house. It of course wasn’t man made, or furnished with beds and hard wood flooring. But it felt natural, returning to their roots and showing all the rest that their family was just that, theirs. Anu wouldn’t admit she worried about what others may think concerning their relationship, but there were times when she imagined a conversation between two outsiders. The pack was accepting and understanding, of course, they were family. But were there those that didn’t understand why or how they loved each other? A scar ran across her left hip, showing another’s close-mindedness, even though Anu had blocked that memory from her consciousness.

“I always sleep like a baby.” Anu rocked back against Nani and she face became hard with concern, “I didn’t snore, did I?” the words passed from her mouth while a smile broke her frown. She was sure that she didn’t snore, but there was always the chance she might start. It was nice to hear that Naniko wanted to be with her, and that she liked where they had moved. Anu let her voice become softer, maybe so that the boy didn’t hear, or maybe so that she didn’t start yelling in excitement and joy. ,“You know, I’m happy where ever you are.”

The last words came just as the two pups began to turn on them. Most likely believing that there was a secret being held from them they attempted to bring the two mothers into their game. Anu let them draw her into their insanity, eyeing Nani as she trotted after them, hoping that the words she spoke went strait to the white fey’s heart. “Now what are we going to do with these two?” Her voice was full and normal, as she let Salem gnaw on her fore limb.


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