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I've been to places never seen

you've never thought of them until now

Nefertiti was rather surprised at the gentle touch of the sable woman's muzzle against her own. Not that she was adverse to touch from another, but usually such a thing did not - and had not - happened, well over three months and beyond. And again she was learning more about this wolfess Savina, and how much more alike they were than Nefertiti had first thought. She had come from Italy, a far of place that Nefertiti had never heard of. The silver colored fea had only ever heard of Egypt where all the Amaranth folklores shifted around and most notably the god Anubis of the Jackals. Nefertiti would have to remember to ask Savina what Italy was like and maybe she would get the chance to meet her brother as well. A pang echoed in the thudding heart for Horus but again such thoughts were tossed backwards and would be brought back out at another time.

And then came the gentle lick to her face, a sign of kindred affection and nothing more and Nefertiti was forced to look into those limitless emerald eyes with a gentle curve of a smile. She was thankful for the kindness - a good first meeting if she would have said so herself. The lock of eyes did not last long as Savina glanced away and the tour resumed.

A human manor? Now that was interesting and a new feeling of adventure rose into her chest, though she knew that since the rest of the pack resided there, not much would be discovered that hadn't before. Never the less, curiosity abound. "That would be very interesting, if you could." She grinned, hopes already lifted at the thought. Nefertiti was easy to please after all.


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