you never knew me
DaVinci kept one ear towards the sound of his son as he spoke to the small one before him. He laughed softly as the boy exclaimed happily on the fact that DaVinci knew his mother. He chuckled and admitted with a nod as he crouched down to Haven's viewpoint, looking eye to eye with the boy. "Nani is my sister, I've known her since I was a pup!" He'd known her since before that, she'd been there when he was born but he didn't want to get into that discussion with the child before him!

He titled his head to the side after he'd revealed the little secret but couldn't help but grin as the boy went on. He laughed and gave up. "Ok.. so I'm not really a stranger.. and I hope I'm nice, though I use to be moody and grouchy when I was younger!" Really, he was still moody and grouchy but not towards a child. He'd never realized how much he liked the younger ones.. having children of your own really could change someone.. and it had changed him. He placed his muzzle to the ground as he watched the antics of the pumpkin hued youngster with amusement in his stormy eyes.

He hadn't expected to have to explain what uncle was but he should have, his nephew was very young and the sudden ammount of words and phrases brought into his life was about to increase, as with all the questions he would ask. "Uncle.. means.. I'm Nani's brother. Only my siblings pups can call me uncle." He wasn't for sure if he was very good at explaining all this but he was trying!

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