feathery wings

"That's good, at least. Even if you don't know exactly what it is--it's better than having no one, right?" In some cases, maybe. Ember didn't really have a lot to base her judgements on, experience-wise...so maybe she was wrong. She didn't know. Ember was just talking, trying to fill up the space that had, for so long, been empty.

"I've been staying in Esper Hollow. But I heard that they're closing down the pack...I guess everyone's leaving. So I'll roam around again for a bit. Hunting might be rough, but other than that I kind of like living alone." It made sense for her to be alone. Life kept making it that way for her--taking everyone away. The packs, Phoenix, Khaden. So maybe she was just meant to be by herself. "You live here? In this...."She wasn't sure what the word was.


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