the child in your face
Her tail thumped hard against the ground as she forgot all about her worries and cares as she took over her reign as the alpha pup once more, making her sibling pay for all the mistakes he'd made over time in laughs and chuckles as she found every tender spot and every little itch. She was his sister and she knew how to make and break the boy, though she would never bring harm to him purposely, she knew all his weaknesses and strengths.. and she wasn't afraid to use them against him!

She laughed in spite of Kansas still having hold of her scruff as she nipped and tickled with paws and muzzle, making the boy squirm and laugh like they were kids again. It seemed that she'd finally pressed him to witts end when he gave in and revealed his secret. Acting shocked she continued to give him hell with a fit of tickles as she yipped, "What! You HAVE replaced me!" She should have realized that her brother would have met a girl.. hell, it seemed the whole of their litter had met someone.. or atleast had some sort of relationship as unhealthy as some of them might have been.. they really were all growing up she realized.

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