the child in your face
She snarled happily at her sibling as he began to laugh uncontrolably again because of her acts of torment. Her tail wagged excitedly as she felt his paws pelting her belly once more, taking her breath away as she was lost in a fit of laughter as well. The girl shook her head and tugged on an ear as she growled. "Damn right! Nuuh won.. chan replach meh!" Her muffled words barely recognizable as she spat his ear out and sighed at the final pleas of her sibling.

Leaping away before he could catch an upperhand at their game she sat back licking her chest like the cat that caught the canary, the smug smile and sly eyes watching him and waiting. "This better be good.." she warned as she shook her coat out to settle some of her rumpled appearance before trying to straighten the slobberly spots down again.

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