Just another Samhain bonfire
wc: 310

So Deuce would meet with him after this gathering, he wasn’t sure how it was going to go down when the time came around that they were going to have to come together and have the meeting that he had requested. The male had hoped that Iskata would have ignored him all together, but she didn’t and he couldn’t do it either. He turned his head to look at her, as he dipped his maw smiling at the children and then to the father of them, he dipped his head to the each of them. He had to show them respect; they were ranked over him, well not the children but clearly where children and no matter that they were connected to, he couldn’t be rude to children. ”Pleasure to meet the lot of you.” He looked over to the grey male, it was clear that someone in his family was a coyote, he wasn’t a pure blood so it wasn’t something that bothered him, but he looked over to Deuce knowing how her feelings about this whole matter was, and would she be okay with him here, not that Lucifer would send him packing he was a father, of two cute children, and a pack member, but he would try to comport her if that would be something that she would need, though he knew she wouldn’t want him to touch her, she hated him. Well no hate, but there was no sexual feelings there.
”Hello DaVinci, hope you enjoy tonight. I know for one I’m glad to be alive after last year.” He looked over to Deuce and gave a wink, it wasn’t funny but he was able to handle it in that means. A funny joke, that had lived past and though. Lucifer couldn’t hold that over her, she didn’t mean it and she paid for it.

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