into the flood again;

Your post is so sweet. <3 Wanna end here?

The moment seemed suspended in time. That brief pause between his words and hers gave him a feeling he couldn't have described, halfway between elation and uncertainty. He felt his stomach swoop like an eagle taking flight when she finally spoke. Gave him her answer. He'd worried that she wouldn't have an answer, that he would have to wait for her, another stretch of time wherein he wasn't complete. But his eyes closed as embraced him, and his arms encircled her slender body, holding her to him like he had no intention of ever letting her go.

He felt the dampness of her kisses and tears on his cheek, and he kissed her soft, dark lips for a long time. He was an unimportant member of Crimson Dreams compared to her. He was amazed by all her accomplishments, all she'd contributed to the pack that had become their family. That she accepted this about him might just wash away his uncertainties about himself. Because she didn't care that he was less than her. She loved him. "I don't think I've ever felt so good," he whispered."I love you too."

"Oh." Reluctantly he pulled away, reaching behind him to take the small, rectangular board out of his bag. He turned it faceup and handed it to her, along with a small pointed writing stone. "Here. It's a writing slate. Nan...Naniko taught me to read and write with one like it. I'll teach you, too. If you want." It wasn't an extravagant gift. More like an offer that she could take or leave; whatever she wished.

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