Wake up (why can't you?)
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Sorry for the wait, Tammi!

He did not remember how he had ended up here. His hands reached up and touched his own face, which was still sticky with coagulated blood. Was it his? He failed to locate any injury or cut that could be the source of the blood on his face and hands. Odd. With minimal struggle the Lilium of Dahlia got up on his feet and looked around. He recognized the towers that tried to reach the sky. It was dusk, and the shadows had begun to stretch and become alive. Five minutes of walking brought him to the little park with the pond where he had met Deuce for the first time. The chocolate male dipped his face into the water and turned the crystal clear liquid into something ugly and corrupted. It did not take long to get rid of the mess he had woken up with, but he could not get rid of the nasty feeling that had been wrapped around his throat since he woke up. His breath was clear, except for perhaps a bloody meal, that could explain why he had been partly covered with blood. No idea, but perhaps he was not meant to know. If that was how it is, then he should just forget about it all. Nothing good came out of such things. The pond was dead and quiet. Had the ducks he had seen there in spring already taken flight and gone to warmer areas? He too wanted to have wings and be able to fly away. Too bad it was not possible, and he was bound and chained to this shithole. Very well.


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