Wake up (why can't you?)
http://i36.tinypic.com/23tqi2r.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 448px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #20466A;">
Watch the skyscrapers as they melt away
      She tilted her head slightly in reply to his grin, but said nothing. Indeed, something was oftentimes better than nothing-- though, she wouldn't mention how, in some cases, it could be most unfavourable. Luckily for him, it was just the opposite. Tayui smirked at this thought, then chuckled quietly as he spoke again. What is such a lovely thing doing out at this hour? She considered remaining silent, but instead, simply shook her head. "I wonder," she mused quietly, eyes dancing in amusement.

      Cruel things may happen in the dark. Tayui guffawed in reply, her laugh coming out more as an incredulous cackle at his words. It had taken all her might from falling over in a most unbecoming, unladylike fashion. Of course, Tayui had never fancied herself to be much the lady anyways, and had never looked the part anyways. The small amount of effort she had put into her hair (which really only served to keep it out of her way, for her mane had grown quite long, in anticipation of the coming winter months) was the only semblance of womanly tendencies. In fact, she didn't think braiding one's hair even counted as something that was stereotypically feminine anymore; but it didn't matter.

      "Indeed, hubris has been the downfall of many, especially in such nights as these," she replied, issuing her challenge. She knew of the destruction and downfall of those in stories, and those so close to her. She knew first hand of the accounts, and could recall a number of tales where overbearing pride-- be it before the gods or not-- brought about the destruction of one or many.


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