Chance Encounter
The pale woman was out and about again, as usual. She didn't have time to rest with iskata's time so close. She had to wal the borders and keep them clearly marked. She made sure her members were keeping the pantries well stocked with food, and made sure everything was ready incase th pack shoudl have to flee. She had gathered herbs incase of illness or injury. anything that could go wrong this side of the mountain would, she knew. They didn't know if winters were the same here or not. They had to be prepared for anythng.
She was watching the feild for rabbit. They made good stew, if one could cook up enough. A movment caught her eye, and she stoipped, staring. A black form moved through the brush. Deuce frowned. that wasn't Lucifer, and it wasn't jazz either. her fur stood on end and a soft growl began in her throat. There was a stranger on her lands. She moved forward, her ears straining for sounds, her nostrils flared. And then the wind shifted again, bringing her the scent.
She growled, her fur raising, making the shaman appear even larger. She approached swiftly, her hands balled into fists. Her voice was a thick, gutteral snarl wen she spoke. "Who the FUCK are you?!"


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