and i've been waiting for the sun

Jasper had learned a thing or two in the few months that he'd been in Bleeding Souls, mostly having to do with how incredibly different life was here. In Europe the streets had been bustling with life, Luperci wandering the streets dressing in fancy, flowing garments, shopping at the small stalls that the others set up day after day. It was in those streets that Jasper had found all of his enjoyment, making fun of the gaudily dressed creatures as they moved on thinking they were better than everyone else, just because they looked silly. He and Rusalki had spent many a day watching them, laughing at them, only to now find themselves in this place.

His wandering mind was pulled back into place as the words from the younger male were expelled into the air, offering yet another faint smile at the fact that his thoughts had been confirmed. Mother and child, it was good that they still had one another. The sadness in his own eyes still swirled, a seeming trail down into the gaping hole that had been torn into his heart. He still blamed himself for her leaving. Caramel colored wolf nodded his head as the younger male continued, understanding his words and the skills that he was offering. Jasper was going to speak but just about the moment that he opened his mouth the younger turned to the older, speaking in Italian again. Perhaps the mother held something more?

Whatever the case, Jasper had already made his decision about the two of them. Just watching them spawned some sort of warm feeling inside of him, perhaps the very same feeling that he had when he was around his mother. He couldn't turn them away. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, something caught his eye, just behind the pair. There, a few feet away, stood the Russian ghost, his friend Rusalki, examining the two. For fear of making himself seem crazy, he made a quick face, almost irritated, and ripped his eyes away from the ghost and back to the pair, waiting.


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