we've got a city to love
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table3.gif);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

deuce, dawn's breath. :3

The cliffs and jutting pieces of scrap and rock were not easy on the poor aged fellow; his feet ached from overuse, and although he refused to look, he was well aware that the pads of his feet were bleeding here and there. It was nothing new. Unfortunately, his reaction time was now delayed compared to how fast his reflexes had been in his youth so long ago, and thus he would step on sharp pieces buried in the sand and soil and hardly begin to notice them until he had pushed his paw down as physically possible without handicapping him. The only thing he had found useful in his old age was the uncanny ability to find no reason to complain about pain; misery and hurt were far from him now, and simply living day to day was something he was perfectly happy with. It took quite a bit to upset him nowadays... that was no surprise. His old bones ached, his muscles tensed, his feet bled--and yet the dark-furred panther was often found striding comfortably to the cliff sides, where he took his time in climbing to the lofty heights where he liked to rest.

In his old age, however, he wasn't quite envious of the youth nowadays, but he did wish he still had their joints and litheness. The process of climbing was not only long and gradual, but it was rather pathetic to watch as well. He would step up to the target, slowly reposition himself, and push himself up onto his hind legs and flop his chest against the wall. His forelegs would extend up to the surface and, using his claws to uselessly dig at the rock, he would begin to pull himself up, though paired with the rather reckless scratching of his hind legs against the rock in a humorous effort for extra support in climbing. His tail would swing side to side energetically, however--it was action that came rarely for an old man. It was in this fashion that he pulled himself to the surface of a tall, flat boulder and flopped down onto his stomach, a weary smile on his old and wrinkled face as his limbs and tail hung lazily off the side. He enjoyed the serenity of the area by far--there was plenty to look at--and the danger that laid in the soil towards the outskirts was a welcome challenge. For now, he heaved a long and contented sigh, and closed his eyes for a nap in the peaceful silence.


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