I would do anything for love but I won't do that
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... parrow.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">


He'd tried to hide the pain and sting that his gimpy leg commonly unleashed upon him. He'd always tried to mask it, to make it not as bad as it really was, but it was no use. The wound had healed, the scar had not, and his leg was pretty pathetically mauled even still. It had been months since the attack, but the pain had hardly numbed or spared him in the least since. Really, it was as if a day had not even passed. Jefferson hated it. He despised the handicap, he despised having to shift in order to walk comfortably, he hated that he had to reteach himself a completely new fighting from in order to work his way around the handicap. A lot of it did involve his hind legs and very careful balancing--there had been plenty of secret, personal training just to strengthen his other foreleg--and when shifted, his arms were hardly used at all. Speed wasn't his game, necessarily, but quick twists and easy maneuvering out of tight spots were key and essential. He was just as strong as before. He could still fight his way through a good battle against most opponents. The technique for speed and agility he'd once had was gone. He regretted that.

"Bear," he muttered darkly, always avoiding the subject. It was a wussy story, really; a source of withdrawal and shame, to be blunt. There was no pride in losing to a bear, of all things. He had no choice but to tell her, however; how else would they start getting along? "A while before I ended up here. I was emaciated and shit for months. I fought all my battles in a trance somehow, but I was usually so dazed that I couldn't catch any food." He could clearly remember snarling and biting like a mad dog at the air at his opponents, and because a blind rage would take over him, he could hardly feel the pain of scars he received. More than once had he suddenly woken up beneath a tree, bruised and bloody in all directions, surrounded by torn bodies lying here and there. He didn't know how he did it, even to that day. His scowl thickened. "I was passed out, and the bear's kids found me and, well. Their mother found me next, and that's it." His eye averted. "Damn bears are too protective. I hadn't even gotten up and she was throwing me around. I was so emaciated at the time, well... I couldn't defend myself. She'd given me too many bruises before I could even think about getting up and defending myself anyway." He snorted and shook his head, trying to keep the images from his head. "At one point I tried jumping for her neck, but she clamped onto my leg before I even reached her and chomped on it a while." He was putting it lightly. The whole story wasn't necessarily. "...That's it."


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