End to an error

     There was a flash of red, and he saw blood fly. Iskata was wounded, and deeply. It was good, but it was not enough. Iron filled his nose, filled his mouth, and he wondered if perhaps there was something wrong with this. A second, stronger voice reminded him that she deserved this, and he grinned again. There was panic in her movement, and panic gave her speed. The adrenaline pulsing through Ahren gave him the same, and he saw her moving back, stumbling towards him.
     In one second, he realized that either they would both die or he would have to risk her living. Stepping back, stepping to the side, his feet moved as if part of a dance. In three seconds, he was on the high-ground, and he was moving. Instinct forced him to move, and so he did, briskly walking at a sharp angle away from the commotion behind him, laughing to himself and wondering just what in the hell was so goddamned funny.


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