Long Distances
I suck. I am sorry! But I am sooo ready to get back on track!

Geneva smiled, feeling a sort of closeness toward the understanding woad-banded wolfess. There was closure in disclosing the information she had held pressed so closely to her heart. Truth be told, she hadn't spoken of her experiences to anyone. Not since Savina had first found her at the borders. Since then, she had focused on blazing a trail forward instead of reflecting on the path behind her. Her future here was very real. She could almost taste the opportunities on her tongue. It was a very heady thing, giving her the strength to look to each new day with wonder and optimism.

She sensed a sadness in Cwfen nic Graine. Something lurked just behind those startling yet stunning white eyes, an unnamed entity that pushed at Geneva's curiosity. But she refrained from asking or really turning the mystery around in her head. She knew better; she recognized something of herself in Cwfen. Something that choked her words and wrenched her heart, raised in her recognition of a hurt too deep to speak of. She just hoped that with time Cwfen would heal.

"I like to think so," Geneva said wistfully. "Sometimes, sometimes I wish that I could see what that was like...The otherside, you know? Not to die myself...but to know what it is like."v She was a very curious woman, and the threshold between this world and the next had also fascinated her. She didn't fear dying. She feared a life unlived, to waste a single precious breath. She knew very well how quickly the course of life could change, how fleeting or long lasting happiness could be. But she had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, facts, and Truth. "I like to think that we know the truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart."


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